Friday, April 8, 2011


I had the idea for this guy last year and had it roughed out but decided to start from scratch last night.
I have a ways to go in terms of getting the topology right and then moving onto sculpting and making the armour but it has been pretty enjoyable so far.

These are more or less done, I am going to tweak parts here and there but nothing substantial.

Crits are always welcome.


Baran said...

Sorry, it has taken me so long to write this up.

Overall, I think you have a really strong piece here. You have corrected most of the problems you had earlier on your own. The skin shader itself is looking really good. You are definitely going to have to give me some tips on that when I give it a shot. That being said, there are some things that stick out to me but at this point it is more nit picking than anything else. I'm looking at the previous renders of the head and the one attached to this post, and I have to say I like the previous ones better. I'm not sure if you have changed anything to your shader, lights, or if it is just the environment change, but everything feels very muted i.e. you are not getting very much definition out of the skin texture and the colour on the lips is in my opinion are too light pink or there is too much specular. Lastly, I like the eyes much more in the previous render as well, but for both I can't really put my finger on it, but something about the eye and how it fits with the rest of the face it a little (every so slightly) off. The only concrete thing I can tell you is that the eye lid look very thin, almost paper thing. Fixing the eye lid thickness might change whatever else I am getting from the eye.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything.

kp said...

Hey thanks for the input. No worries about the delay.

I did change up the light set up slightly as well as the environment, and corrected my workflow to display what im seeing in linear colour space. I also repainted the texture to get a paler look for the skin. I felt the previous renders had a very saturated skin tone, almost like a fake tan.

I agree with you on the eyes and eye lids. I will have to address that as well as the actual eyeball. I think It looks far too much like a glass eye.

I'll be more than glad to help out when the time comes. The vray skin shader is pretty straight forward as long as you have all your textures and vray settings set up correctly.

Thanks for the crit. It was quite helpful good sir.